DiscoverThe Megyn Kelly ShowTrump's Emotional Closing to RNC, and Democrats in Chaos as They Push Biden Out, with Kmele Foster and Matt Welch | Ep. 842
Trump's Emotional Closing to RNC, and Democrats in Chaos as They Push Biden Out, with Kmele Foster and Matt Welch | Ep. 842

Trump's Emotional Closing to RNC, and Democrats in Chaos as They Push Biden Out, with Kmele Foster and Matt Welch | Ep. 842

Update: 2024-07-1915


This podcast delves into the current political landscape, analyzing the Republican National Convention (RNC) and its impact on Donald Trump's political fortunes. The panelists discuss Trump's successful RNC speech, his growing support among minority groups, and the cultural shift occurring in the United States. They also examine the Democratic Party's challenges, including Joe Biden's potential drop out, the lack of enthusiasm for Kamala Harris as a nominee, and the need for a more competitive primary. The podcast explores the motivations behind the Lincoln Project's attacks on Trump, the shift in Silicon Valley's political leanings, and the Democrats' inability to counter Trump's message of unity and strength. The podcast also features callers who share their opinions on Trump's speech and the current political landscape, discussing topics such as mental health and politics, Trump's motivations, and the importance of honest communication within the Democratic Party.


Trump's RNC Speech and the Political Landscape

This chapter analyzes Donald Trump's speech at the Republican National Convention, highlighting its impact on his political fortunes and the growing enthusiasm for his candidacy. The panelists discuss the RNC's success in unifying the Republican party and creating a sense of unity and strength.

Biden's Potential Drop Out and the Democratic Party's Challenges

This chapter explores the growing speculation that Joe Biden may drop out of the presidential race, citing declining poll numbers, dwindling campaign funds, and internal pressure from within the Democratic party. The panelists discuss the challenges facing the Democratic Party in choosing a nominee for the 2024 election, highlighting the lack of enthusiasm for Kamala Harris and the need for a more competitive primary.

The Impact of the RNC and Trump's Growing Support

This chapter examines the overall impact of the Republican National Convention, focusing on Trump's growing support among minority groups, particularly black voters. The panelists discuss the significance of this shift and its potential impact on the upcoming election.

Trump's Reversal of Fortune and the Cultural Shift

This chapter analyzes the dramatic shift in Trump's political fortunes, particularly after the assassination attempt and his successful RNC speech. The panelists discuss the reasons behind this reversal and the implications for the upcoming election. They also explore the cultural shift occurring in the United States and the role of the left's elite condescension in driving this shift.

Trump's Messaging and the Democrats' Response

This chapter discusses the Democrats' attempts to downplay the impact of Trump's speech and the assassination attempt. The panelists argue that the Democrats are struggling to counter Trump's message of unity and strength.

The RNC's Appeal to Working Class Voters

This chapter examines the RNC's appeal to working class voters, particularly through the inclusion of diverse speakers and stories. The panelists argue that the RNC successfully presented a more inclusive and relatable image of the Republican party.

Trump's Energy and the 2008 Obama Campaign

This chapter compares Trump's current energy and momentum to Barack Obama's 2008 campaign. The panelists discuss the potential for Trump to alter the composition of the electorate and the cultural shift that is occurring within the Republican party.

Biden's Statement and the Democratic Party's Cringe

This chapter discusses Biden's recent statement about the upcoming election and the Democratic party's continued efforts to support his candidacy. The panelists argue that the Democrats' actions are creating a sense of cringe and reinforcing negative perceptions of the party.

The Myth of Joe Biden and the Democratic Establishment

This chapter discusses the myth of Joe Biden as a great president and the Democratic establishment's efforts to create this image. The panelists argue that Biden's career has been marked by mediocrity and that the Democrats are now facing the consequences of their own creation.

The Democrats' Blind Hatred for Trump

This chapter discusses the Democrats' blind hatred for Trump and their inability to process information objectively. The panelists argue that this hatred is leading to a distorted view of reality and a willingness to embrace false narratives.

The Lincoln Project and Generational Wealth

This chapter discusses the Lincoln Project's motivations for attacking Trump, particularly their focus on generating generational wealth through anti-Trump fundraising. The panelists argue that the Lincoln Project's actions are driven by self-interest rather than a genuine desire to defeat Trump.

Mark Zuckerberg's Statement and the Shift in Silicon Valley

This chapter discusses Mark Zuckerberg's recent statement about the upcoming election and the shift in Silicon Valley's political leanings. The panelists argue that Silicon Valley is increasingly embracing Trump and his policies, particularly those related to AI and crypto regulation.

Trump's Growing Support Among Minorities

This chapter discusses Trump's growing support among minority groups, particularly black voters. The panelists argue that this shift is a significant threat to the Democratic party's electoral strategy and could have a major impact on the upcoming election.

Trump's Messaging and the American Dream

This chapter discusses Trump's messaging and his appeal to working class voters, particularly immigrants and minorities. The panelists argue that Trump's message of the American dream and his focus on economic opportunity are resonating with a growing segment of the population.

The Cultural Shift and the Left's Elite Condescension

This chapter discusses the cultural shift that is occurring in the United States and the role of the left's elite condescension in driving this shift. The panelists argue that the left's attempts to control language and dictate cultural norms are alienating working class voters.

Trump's Policy Proposals and the Organic Approach

This chapter discusses Trump's policy proposals, particularly his proposal to eliminate taxes on tips for service workers. The panelists argue that Trump's organic and relatable approach to policymaking is resonating with voters.

Biden's Campaign Manager's Denial and the Democratic Party's Cringe

This chapter discusses Biden's campaign manager's denial of reports that Biden is planning to drop out of the race. The panelists argue that this denial is further evidence of the Democratic party's cringe and their inability to face reality.

Kamala Harris as Biden's Replacement

This chapter discusses the possibility of Kamala Harris replacing Biden as the Democratic nominee. The panelists analyze the potential benefits and drawbacks of this scenario and the challenges that Harris would face in a general election.

The Democratic Nominee Dilemma

This chapter discusses the challenges facing the Democratic Party in choosing a nominee for the 2024 presidential election. The current political climate and the potential for a brokered convention are explored, with Kamala Harris being considered the most likely candidate but facing significant challenges.

A Call for Competition

This chapter argues that the Democrats should hold a competitive primary to generate interest and find a stronger candidate. The current lack of enthusiasm for Kamala Harris and the potential for a brokered convention are highlighted as reasons for a more open process.

Democratic Leadership Under Fire

This chapter criticizes the Democratic leadership for their lack of transparency and decisiveness regarding Joe Biden's future. The podcast highlights Ilana Omar's criticism of the party's handling of the situation and questions the leadership's ability to navigate the current political landscape.

The Need for Truth Tellers

This chapter discusses the lack of honest and direct communication within the Democratic Party. The podcast compares the current situation to the rise of Bill Clinton and the \"third-way\" Democrats, who were known for their willingness to speak truth to power.

John Fetterman's Potential

This chapter suggests that John Fetterman, with his blunt and direct communication style, could be a strong candidate for the Democrats. The podcast highlights Fetterman's potential to challenge Donald Trump and create a more engaging political landscape.

Biden's Campaign Strategy

This chapter discusses Joe Biden's campaign strategy and the pressure he is facing to choose the best candidate to defeat Donald Trump. The podcast highlights the unusual nature of the current primary season and the potential for candidates to drop out before the general election.

The Primary Season's Unpredictability

This chapter analyzes the recent dropouts of Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley from the Republican primary race. The podcast highlights the unpredictable nature of the primary season and the potential for candidates to change their minds about running for president.

The Megan Kelly Show: Trump's RNC Speech

This chapter transitions to a discussion of Donald Trump's speech at the Republican National Convention. The podcast features callers who share their opinions on the speech and the current political landscape.

Trump's Missed Opportunity

This chapter discusses Trump's speech at the RNC and argues that he missed an opportunity to address his critics and engage with those who disagree with him. The podcast suggests that Trump could have used the speech to counter misinformation and build a more inclusive narrative.

Mental Health and Politics

This chapter features a caller who is a school counselor and discusses the use of mental health diagnoses in political discourse. The caller expresses concern about the manipulation of mental health concepts and the impact on individuals and society.

Trump's Motivations

This chapter discusses Donald Trump's motivations as president and whether his actions were driven by a desire for legacy or a genuine love for America. The podcast argues that Trump's motives are ultimately irrelevant as long as he delivers positive results for the country.


Republican National Convention (RNC)

The Republican National Convention is a quadrennial event where the Republican Party nominates its presidential and vice presidential candidates. It is a major event in American politics, attracting significant media attention and public interest.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump is a former president of the United States and a prominent figure in American politics. He is known for his controversial statements and policies, and his presidency was marked by significant political and social divisions.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden is the current president of the United States. He is a veteran politician with a long history of public service. His presidency has been marked by challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris is the current vice president of the United States. She is the first woman and the first person of color to hold this office. She is a former senator from California and a former attorney general of the state.

Lincoln Project

The Lincoln Project is a political action committee that was formed to oppose Donald Trump's presidency. It is known for its controversial advertising campaigns and its focus on attacking Trump's character and policies.

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is a region in California that is home to many of the world's leading technology companies. It is known for its innovation and its influence on global culture and politics.

Working Class

The working class is a social class that is typically defined as those who work in manual labor or service jobs. They are often characterized by their lower income levels and their lack of access to higher education.

American Dream

The American Dream is a set of ideals that are associated with the United States, including the belief that anyone can achieve success through hard work and determination. It is often associated with concepts such as homeownership, financial security, and upward mobility.

Cultural Shift

A cultural shift is a change in the values, beliefs, and behaviors of a society. It can be driven by a variety of factors, such as technological advancements, economic changes, or social movements.


  • What are the key factors contributing to the growing speculation that Joe Biden may drop out of the presidential race?

    Biden's declining poll numbers, dwindling campaign funds, and internal pressure from within the Democratic party are all contributing to the speculation that he may drop out of the race.

  • How did the Republican National Convention impact Trump's political fortunes?

    The RNC successfully unified the Republican party and created a sense of enthusiasm for Trump's candidacy. His speech about the assassination attempt and his message of unity resonated with voters.

  • What is the significance of Trump's growing support among minority groups?

    Trump's growing support among minority groups, particularly black voters, is a significant threat to the Democratic party's electoral strategy. It could have a major impact on the upcoming election.

  • What is the cultural shift that is occurring in the United States, and what role is the left's elite condescension playing in it?

    The left's attempts to control language and dictate cultural norms are alienating working class voters, contributing to a cultural shift where people are increasingly rejecting the left's values and beliefs.

  • How is Trump's organic and relatable approach to policymaking resonating with voters?

    Trump's willingness to create policy on the fly and his focus on issues that directly impact people's lives, such as eliminating taxes on tips, are resonating with voters who are tired of the elite establishment's top-down approach.

  • What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of Kamala Harris replacing Biden as the Democratic nominee?

    Harris would benefit from the support of black women, but she lacks the cultural credibility and authenticity to appeal to a broader audience. She would also face challenges in a general election against Trump.

  • What are the motivations behind the Lincoln Project's attacks on Trump?

    The Lincoln Project is driven by self-interest, seeking to generate generational wealth through anti-Trump fundraising rather than a genuine desire to defeat him. Their actions are more about personal gain than political principle.

  • What is the significance of the shift in Silicon Valley's political leanings towards Trump?

    Silicon Valley's increasing embrace of Trump and his policies, particularly those related to AI and crypto regulation, reflects a growing recognition of the Republican party's potential to create a favorable environment for technological innovation.

  • How is Trump's message of the American dream and economic opportunity resonating with voters?

    Trump's message of the American dream and his focus on economic opportunity are resonating with a growing segment of the population, particularly immigrants and minorities, who are seeking a better life and a chance to achieve financial success.

  • What are the challenges facing the Democratic Party in choosing a nominee for the 2024 presidential election?

    The Democrats face a difficult decision in choosing a nominee, with Kamala Harris being the most likely candidate but facing significant challenges due to the current political climate and the potential for a brokered convention.

  • Why does the podcast argue that the Democrats should hold a competitive primary?

    The podcast argues that a competitive primary would generate interest and potentially find a stronger candidate, addressing the lack of enthusiasm for Kamala Harris and the potential for a brokered convention.

  • What is the podcast's criticism of the Democratic leadership?

    The podcast criticizes the Democratic leadership for their lack of transparency and decisiveness regarding Joe Biden's future, highlighting Ilana Omar's criticism and questioning their ability to navigate the current political landscape.

  • How does the podcast compare the current situation to the rise of Bill Clinton and the \"third-way\" Democrats?

    The podcast compares the current lack of honest and direct communication within the Democratic Party to the rise of Bill Clinton and the \"third-way\" Democrats, who were known for their willingness to speak truth to power.

  • What is the podcast's assessment of John Fetterman's potential as a candidate?

    The podcast suggests that John Fetterman, with his blunt and direct communication style, could be a strong candidate for the Democrats, highlighting his potential to challenge Donald Trump and create a more engaging political landscape.

Show Notes

Megyn Kelly is joined by Kmele Foster and Matt Welch, co-hosts of The Fifth Column podcast, to discuss former President Donald Trump's major speech to close out the RNC, how Democrats are still fumbling with attempting to replace Biden after the debate debacle, the galvanizing moment for Republicans after Trump assassination attempt, the changing identity of the Republican Party, Trump's altered persona on display at the Republican National Convention, the fun and entertaining Republican National Convention, the GOP connecting with the working class, if the GOP is headed to a massive landslide victory in November, Trump's RNC speech reference to the chart that saved his life, "The View" hosts critiquing Trump's comments about God saving his life, George Conway's ridiculous new campaign to prove Trump is mentally ill,  how Trump's background involving overcoming obstacles and optimism is being used in campaign messaging, the difference between him and other New York elites, Trump sharing the story of how he came up with the "no tax on tips" policy position thanks to a waitress, how the Democrats might push out Biden, who could be the replacement and whether VP Kamala Harris gets anointed, and more.

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Trump's Emotional Closing to RNC, and Democrats in Chaos as They Push Biden Out, with Kmele Foster and Matt Welch | Ep. 842

Trump's Emotional Closing to RNC, and Democrats in Chaos as They Push Biden Out, with Kmele Foster and Matt Welch | Ep. 842
